91 Club Promotion

91 Club Promotion Partner Program

The 91 Club Partner program is one of the best events 91 Club has to offer. Members have the privileges to gain more than they expect from 91 Club.

In the system of inviting friends, there are 6 hierarchical levels. When A invites B, B becomes a level 1 subordinate of A. If B then invites C, C becomes a level 1 subordinate of B and simultaneously a level 2 subordinate of A. Continuing this pattern, when C invites D, D becomes a level 1 subordinate of C, a level 2 subordinate of B, and a level 3 subordinate of A.

To enlist friends, you need to either share the provided invitation link or manually input the invitation code. This action ensures that your friends are categorized as your level 1 subordinates.

After registering using the inviter’s invitation code and making the deposit, the invitee will promptly receive the commission.

Commission calculation for the previous day begins every morning at 01:00. Once the calculation is finished, the commission is credited to the wallet and can be reviewed in the commission collection record.

Commission rates fluctuate based on your agency level for that day.

  • Number of Teams: The count of deposits from your downline up to the present.
  • Team Deposits: The cumulative deposits made by your downline in a single day.
  • Team Deposit: The deposits made by your downline within a single day.
91 Club Promotion

Commission percentages are contingent upon the membership level, with increased levels correlating to higher bonus percentages. Moreover, diverse game types feature distinct payout percentages. The commission rate is elucidated as follows:

Commission Percentage
91 Club Promotion
Commission Percentage
91 Club Promotion
Commission Percentage
91 Club Promotion
Commission Percentage
91 Club Promotion
Commission Ratio
91 Club Promotion

A separate bonus will be randomly granted to the 91 Club Promotion TOP20 commission rankings.

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